Welcome to Term 3 2024/2025
6th January 2025
Dear families,
A very warm welcome to the start of 2025. I hope that you had a wonderful, restorative break with plenty of fun and connection to the important people in your lives.
Another big thank you for your very kind gifts - too generous and truly appreciated.
Don't forget it's an Inset day tomorrow (Monday 6th)! My fantastic team are spending tomorrow working with the Research Schools Network to make sure our teaching practice uses the best available evidence to ensure the best progress and wellbeing for all our children.
We are, as always, starting as we mean to go on. We have plenty of engagement, enrichment and learning in week 1:
Monday 6th January - Inset Day
Parent Governor recruitment opens (email and letter will come out on Monday)
Tuesday 7th January - Back to school!
Poetry competition launch
Wednesday 8th January -Gymnastics and Cheer Club starts
Thursday 9th January - Year 6 Litter Pick (warm coats and a spare pair of shoes please!)
KS2 Book Club starts
Friday 10th January -House Point Winners - Fire wear home clothes!
Year 6 Play Leaders' Assembly
Inter-class reading afternoon
You will of course receive your termly class newsletters from the class teams by Tuesday, with all the specific information that you need about each class over the next term.
Our parent governor recruitment comes because our amazing governor, Bal Dhillon, has sadly had to step down. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bal for the commitment, knowledge and passion that she has brought to the governor role - we are very sorry to see her go.
We very much look forward to seeing all out fantastic families on Tuesday.
Best wishes,
Dr Crowther
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