Good morning to you all, 
I hope that everyone had a great week and that everyone is ready for the last term of this school year. This year has flown by and I cannot believe it is my last term at Cobham. There is much to achieve and to do - to make sure that it is the best one yet! 
The dates are busy - so please do keep this email for reference! And of course, more details and reminders will follow! 
Monday 3rd June - Kent Test (Year 5) registration opens 
Tuesday 4th June & 14th June - Year 5 Safety Initiative 
ICE POLES for sale everyday from Tuesday 4th June (to raise funds for our Year 6 Leavers' Party) - 50p each - please have change! 
Friday 7th June - Class Photos and Whole School Photo to be taken today! 
Friday 7th June - Board Game Afternoon for all classes (please let the children bring in some games!) 
Monday 10th June - KS1 (Year 2) SATS Week 
Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June - Phonic Tests (Year 1) 
Thursday 14th and Friday 15th June - Bikeability Year 6 
Saturday 15th June - Football Fun Day 2-5.30pm 
Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June - Year 6 Trip Week 
Monday 17th June - Year 5 CAT tests 
Tuesday 18th June - Rock Steady Concert 2pm for parents to attend 
Thursday 20th June - Welcome Evening for New Year R Parents Sept 24 
Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June - Sports Week - More details to follow! 
Wednesday 26th June - Sports Day 10.30am start, Giant Family Picnic 12 midday and Colour Run 2.30pm 
Monday 1st July - Careers Fayre 
Monday 1st July - Design a Poster for Circus day Competition! 
Tuesday 2nd July - Year 3 to Wildwood 
Wednesday 3rd July - Year 1 to Tyland Barn and Year 2 to Matilda 
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July - Year 6 Transition Days for most schools 
Friday 5th July - Bring a Picture of your Pet to School Day! 
Friday 5th July - PTA Meeting 2pm 
Friday 5th July - KS2 Movie Night 9pm-11pm 
Monday 8th July - Year R to Godstone Farm 
Monday 8th July - KS2 Bake Sale 
Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th July - Parents' meetings 1.30-5.30pm In person 
Tuesday 9th and 16th July - Family Learning First Aid Workshops 
Wednesday 10th July - Violin Concert Details TBC 
Thursday 11th July - Bikeability Year 6 
Friday 12th July - Break a Rule or Two Day! 
Tuesday 16th July - KS2 Production 
Thursday 18th July - Discos 4.30pm (KS1) and 6pm (KS2) 
Friday 19th July - Last Day of Term! 
I am exhausted just thinking about this lot, let alone getting through it all! Have a great week all! 
Warmest Regards, 
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