It is our policy that all children wear Cobham Primary School's official uniform when attending school or when representing the school in an organised event outside normal school hours. 
As well as being practical and smart, we believe that a sensible uniform policy will reinforce a positive learning environment as well as promote a unified school spirit and inspire a sense of pride in our school. 
We respectfully ask all parents to support our school uniform policy and ensure that each child is sent to school dressed appropriately in smart attire for the day of learning ahead. 

School Uniform 

We require all pupils to wear our school uniform, which consists of: 


White polo shirt or white shirt 
Navy blue school jumper or cardigan (school emblem is optional) 
Grey school trousers 
Grey school shorts in the summer 
Plain grey socks 
School tie (optional!) 
Black school shoes (No boots or trainers please) 


White polo shirt or white blouse 
Navy blue jumper or cardigan (school emblem is optional) 
Grey skirt or pinafore 
Grey trousers in the winter 
Plain white socks or navy tights 
Light blue checked summer dress 
School tie (optional!) 
Black school shoes (no boots or trainers please) 
No decorative hairbands, flowers or clips in hair. (Keep it plain and simple please) 

PE Kit 

All children need a full school PE kit suitable for both indoor and outdoor sessions. PE takes place outside in all weathers - including when it is cold and wet. If the weather is truly awful, the children would have PE inside. 


Navy blue t-shirt (school emblem is optional) 
Blue shorts 
Black plimsolls 
Black or white waterproof trainers for outdoor games 
For winter PE sessions – Navy jogging bottoms and sweatshirts/hoodies for cold weather 
Years 5 & 6 only – Swimming trunks, towel, goggles and cap (long hair) for swimming lessons 


Navy blue t-shirt (school emblem is optional) 
Blue shorts or skort 
Black plimsolls 
Black or white waterproof trainers for outdoor games 
For winter PE sessions – Navy jogging bottoms and sweatshirts/hoodies for cold weather 
Years 5 & 6 only – One-piece swimming costume, towel, goggles and cap (long hair) for swimming lessons 
PE Kits should be kept in a named drawstring bag and hung on the child's peg at school. Storage and cloakroom space is limited, so we politely request that parents ensure their children's PE kit bags are small and unobtrusive. 

Logoed Uniform 

Uniform with the school logo on it is entirely optional, if you would like to purchase these items they are available from Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists either online or from their shop at Chatham Dockside. 
Please ensure that all items of clothing, and bags, are clearly labelled with your child’s name, as neither the school nor KCC can accept responsibility for any articles lost or damaged on the school premises. 
All children should come to school with clothing suitable for the weather. This maybe a hat in the summer months, a waterproof hooded coat when it is wet and/or a warm coat with a hat and gloves when it is cold 
We want our children’s feet to be healthy and flourish, therefore all pupils must wear sensible, well-fitting shoes with an appropriate low heel. Boots are not allowed in the classroom, therefore on bad weather days if your child wears boots to school they must remember to bring their school shoes to change into. Separate trainers can be brought in to wear outside on the field during playtimes. 
For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school, with an exception being made for small earring studs in pierced ears and small objects of religious significance. However, we do ask the children to either remove these objects during PE and games or cover them with a plaster to prevent any potential injuries from occurring. 
Brand Logos and Slogans 
Name branded items of clothing are acceptable as long as the logo is small and inconspicuous. However large prominent slogans are not permitted. 
Long hair, on girls or boys, must be tied back in school with non-decorative hair ties and clips. We do not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children. Hairstyles such as patterns shaved into the hair or a mohican-style crest are deemed inappropriate for school. 
Make-Up and Nails 
No make-up or nail varnish is permitted in school.