We are lucky to have a dedicated team of staff, who provide the best level of care, fun and interactive learning each and every day.
Head Teacher
Dr P Crowther
Mrs Brooker
Mr Burns
Dr Crowther - Deputy Head
Mrs Dengate (maternity leave)
Mrs Ellis
Mrs Hargrove
Mrs Heasman - SENCO
Mrs Joshua
Mrs Lawford
Miss Pretious (maternity leave)
Mrs Resoda
Mrs Rose
Miss Serantes
Miss Slade
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Clarke
Miss Courtney
Mrs Hamilton
Mrs James
Mrs Kelly
Miss Le Pavoux
Mrs Lyons
Mrs McGregor
Mrs O'Neill
Mrs Sahota
Mr Simmons
Mrs Simmons
Miss Styles
Support Staff
Mrs Styles – Office Manager
Mr Jarvis – Finance Manager
Mr Waterson – Caretaker
Miss Grimwade – Midday Supervisor
Mrs Pritchard - Cleaner
Mrs Richmond - Cleaner