Dearest Families, 
This forthcoming week is Anti-Bullying Week and the national theme is ‘Make some noise!’ We must not stand by and allow bullying to happen, we must ‘make some noise.’ 
It is also very much linked to ‘banter’ and what ‘banter’ is and how ‘banter’ can become unkindness, unless our language and words are carefully considered. 
For KS2 I have picked 5 songs that are all related to ‘Bullying’ and the children will sing, discuss and perform them during their Readers’ Theatre sessions. 
For KS1 there are 5 videos to share and discuss one each day. I will lead a whole school assembly first thing tomorrow discussing the theme. 
Tomorrow is Odd Socks Day too! A simply way to show that it is good to be different and to ‘stand out’ for what we believe in. I hope the children find this week thought-provoking and learn ‘what bullying is,’ ‘to support those that might be experiencing bullying’ and ‘how our words and actions can significantly upset others.’ 
This week is very much linked to our TRUST values, which are embedded across the school. Ask the children what they are, you’ll be amazed at their understanding, especially as they get older! 
Kind regards, 
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